Interview 2
Austin Pitchford
October 19, 2017
Hello! What's your athletic background and what initially motivated you to transform your body?
I'm Austin Pitchford and I'm from Cincinnati, Ohio. I’m 21 years old, weigh 157 pounds for competitions and 200 pounds in the off season. I currently compete in NPC Men's Physique Class B. My height is 5’9". I have been actively working out since I was 16 years old. I’ve been seriously training for exactly 1 year. What motivated me to get into fitness was seeing all of the "sponsored athletes" on social media. Their physiques, motivation, and dedication to the sport really inspired me to get into the industry.
“When it comes to transforming your body, it's all about your training, but more importantly, your nutrition. If you are not eating 6-7 clean meals a day, you're not going to get the results you're looking for.”
What's your approach to diet and nutrition?
When I'm dieting for a competition, my diet is VERY strict. When I'm in the off season, I try and stay mostly clean but I tend to slip away from my diet a little bit (as any competitor does). When I’m dieting for a competition, I cook weekly and sometimes daily depending on what my coach has me eating for that day. My pre-workout meal when in prep for a show is 7 ounces of chicken breast and 6-8 ounces of green veggies. When I’m in off season, I eat 7 ounces of chicken breast and 1 cup of oatmeal. My post-workout meal while on prep varies week to week. It's usually 50 grams of whey isolate and a 1/2 cup of oatmeal. In off season, it's always 50 grams of whey isolate and 1 cup of oatmeal.

Here’s what my current diet (competition diet) looks like:

Meal 1
• 1 cup of egg whites
• 1/2 cup of oatmeal

Meal 2
• 50 grams of whey isolate
• 6-8 ounces of green veggies

Meal 3
• 7 ounces of chicken breast
• 6-8 ounces of green veggies

Meal 4 (post-workout)
• 50 grams of whey isolate
• 1/2 cup of oatmeal

Meal 5
• 7 ounces of tilapia
• 6-8 ounces of green veggies

Meal 6
• 1.5 cups of egg whites
• 6-8 ounces of green veggies
Do you supplement your nutrition with any sport supplements?
The supplements I currently use are GNC 100% Pure Isolate, GNC Creatine Monohydrate, GNC L-Carnitine, and Cellucor C4 pre-workout.
What does your typical week of working out look like?
When I'm prepping for a competition I train every single day. My weight training is limited to only about 1 hour, and my cardio varies week to week. When I'm in off season, my weight training is about 2 hours and my cardio is only about 30 minutes.

Here’s my training split for the week:

Monday - arms and calves
Tuesday - chest and shoulders
Wednesday - back and rear delts
Thursday - arms and calves
Friday - legs, glutes, and hamstrings
Saturday - chest and shoulders
Sunday - back and rear delts
“As I got older and got a better grasp on how to train properly, I met my coach. He took me under his wing and really showed me how to properly train for a Bodybuilding competition.”
Have you found anything to be especially helpful or advantageous?
My father was the first person to really open my eyes to the gym and get me started. For a solid three months I was going to the gym with him every single day and he was showing me everything I needed to know about training and what workouts he did. As I got older and got a better grasp on how to train properly, I met my coach. He took me under his wing and really showed me how to properly train for a Bodybuilding competition.
What mistakes have you made along the way?
Ages 15, 16, and 17, I had a really bad battle with knee surgeries. At the end of all of it, my surgeries totaled out at 8. I was very active in playing sports in high school so this was a major setback for me. When I was 100% healthy, I was told to stay away from soccer and basketball. Once I got that news, I knew I had to find something new so I took my passion and drive to bodybuilding. From the moment I got stronger and started seeing results, I was hooked. I instantly became obsessed and it took off from there.
What are some of the best tips you can offer for others trying to follow in your footsteps?
If you have the drive and determination that nothing is going to stop you, that's how you’re going to achieve your goals. No matter what setbacks life throws at you, you can always overcome them. When it comes to transforming your body, it's all about your training, but more importantly, your nutrition. If you are not eating 6-7 clean meals a day, you're not going to get the results you're looking for.
Where can we find out more about you?
I run everything through Instagram @adpfit.
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